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Dreampad Music App

Learn more about the music in our app

Is the Dreampad app required?

The app is not required to operate or use the Dreampad pillow or Aurras - it is simply a source of music to listen to without interruption (no ads). You will need some source of content.  We highly recommend music, and music with specific characteris

App Subscription

The Dreampad Sleep app is available by subscription directly through the Apple App Store and Google Play, or at discounted prices through the Dreampad store. Dreampad music is developed and selected based on the latest sleep research findings, includ

Where to Find the App

You can download and install the Dreampad App from the Apple Store for iPhones, or Google Play for Android phones. If you purchase the App from the Dreampad store, you must still download and install the app from one of these platforms.  However, you

How We Select Music

We choose music for the Dreampad App based on certain characteristics, which include tempo, key signature, instrumentation and frequency range.  While many genres can be suitable for relaxation and sleep, we find the most effective to be classical an

What to Listen to

We recommend music with the following characteristics: Ambient, or a-melodic, music is preferred for sleeping because the brain tends to engage in a melody and while it may be relaxing, it’s not ideal for falling asleep. Slow tempo is preferred, mayb

Airplane Mode with Dreampad App

The Dreampad Sleep App is best used with an internet or data usage connection, as it is a streaming app. To use the Dreampad App while on Airplane Mode you will need to download tracks to your phone's storage. If you wish to use airplane mode, you ha

Creating Playlists

We've added a NEW feature in the Dreampad App – Collections –allowing you to create your own playlists.